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Matching entries from mistersquid: a digital fiction

Bikeaversary 01

I'm surprised the last main entry before this one is a note about Steve Jobs’ death. Weird. Much time has passed since and I am finally beginning to feel I understand some of the contours of this new life...

Notes About Networks

This is one of 50 posts about cyborgs, a project to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the coining of the term. Where Do Cyborgs Come From? The term cyborg is as evocative and cuts as elusive a figure now...

Obama Administration Considers Depriving American Citizens of Their Constitutional Rights

It is time to start shouting. Representatives and appointees of the Obama administration—particularly David Axelrod and Attorney General Erich H. Holder—are considering abridging one of the most important Supreme Court interpretations of the Fifth Amendment, the right against self-incrimination,...

Rumored Apple Tablet and the Rumored Future of Print

The hype machine is cranked to frenzy and the air is smokey after the Apple’s latest burst, Come see our latest creation. The more perspicacious among us are connecting dots»via« between Apple’s product announcement and the New York Time’s...

This Is It: Portrait of the Artist as an Entertainer

This Is It: Portrait of the Artist as an Entertainer ENTRYURL: viaName: viaURL: TIME: 09:02:42 //--> I was not expecting to write this post. Last night Pam, my mother, and I went to see This Is It at the...

Full Speed Reverse

In the last month, there’s been a lot of mainstream media attention on the borderlands between paper print and digital print, between text and etext. Google seems to be the focus of much of this interest, and my guess...

Signify On This: Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Arrested for Disorderly Conduct

The New York Times reports that Henry Louis Gates Jr. was arrested for disorderly conduct outside his own home. Judging from the copy of the AP report, I’m guessing that the police responded to Gates’s indignation with calculated stupidity....

Boycott Thomson Research

My work currently depends upon Thomson Research’s EndNote. However, because Thomson is currently in the process of suing George Mason University for developing open-source Zotero, I will begin the process of looking for a replacement for EndNote. I recommend all...

Editorial Board of Ohio University's The Post Thinks Racism Is Funny

Photo of Chris Yonker(Image source) On 7 September 2007, The Post, a student newspaper funded by Ohio University, published an editorial by Chris Yonker titled "Broad Stripes and Bright Stars" which features, among other things, a photograph of Yonker striking...

Notes toward an interruption

My lawn needs mowing. I have this notion that after the next heavy rain, water will pool in the middle of my lawn and a family of beavers will make a dam in the middle. They will gather sticks from...


--> This morning between midnight and 02:00 Eastern, I saw Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3. 1 The film weaves together storylines from the Spider-Man comic book and graphic novel sagas (both largely unfamiliar to me).2 One story arc in the Spider-Man...

Cuss in Public

US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is no friend of the people, what with his pathological case of the smirks during questioning about Federal eavesdropping on phone lines and electronic data streams. But we knew that his GOP-backed agenda against civil...

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