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Matching entries from mistersquid: a digital fiction

Bikeaversary 01

I'm surprised the last main entry before this one is a note about Steve Jobs’ death. Weird. Much time has passed since and I am finally beginning to feel I understand some of the contours of this new life...

Correction on the Usefuless of Torture

I recently overheard someone explaining that intelligence acquired by means of torture was crucial in determining the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden, which determination led to bin Laden’s death by US armed forces. This lie must be exposed as...

In the Future Everyone Will Have Their 12 Seconds of Fame

Prelim Watching a video debate about whether President Obama should shame unprincipled detractors by identifying them, I came across a video that asks “Is Lady Gaga Sexy Or Just Crazy?” The moment I saw this picture Lady GaGa in...

Some Thoughts Regarding the Creation of Text-to-Speech Audiobooks Using Consumer-Grade Software, or One Possible Outcome for Academic Professionalism as a Result of Fully Digitzed Text

Codex Books, Audiobooks, and Assistive Devices: A Tale of Near Misses The last book I checked out of Alden Library while still a faculty at Ohio University was Clay Shirky’s 2008 Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing without...

Taking It Lying Down: A Short Addendum to The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception written for the Age of Ubiquitous Television

On Friday, 10 July, Pam and I were in Manhattan, KS, which with bathroom breaks and fuelings is about ninety minutes outside Topeka. Two largish little league baseball teams were also staying where we were lodging, and the breakfast...


I was going to wait to write something about David Foster Wallace’s death, but after reading Kathleen Fitzpatrick’s comment about him in the New York Times I understood that I have something to say now. She had said that DFW’s...

Don’t Say I Never Gave You Nothin’

One day before my 40th birthday, I posted a ringtone based Honeycut’s Exodus Honey (the score for Leopard’s Intro video). I’ve gotten many seconds of ringing pleasure from that ringtone, but since then I’ve been bothered by the everyone-or-no one...

Name Goes Here

November, last month, is the month where I write the least. Nothing intentional. It's just that my brooding character lends itself to contemplation in my month of nativity. All the big questions: who am I? Why are we here? Where...

Drugged Up Zombie Laborers

A video essay about the drug Burundanga reminds me of the (much more authoritative) work Wade Davis did regarding "Ethonobiology of the Haitian Zombie" (subtitle) in Passage of Darkness.1 Zombification in Haiti involves the use of a powerful neurotoxin that...

Not So Silver

In the Fall of this year (I think), twenty-five years will have passed since I began keeping a journal. In Jr. High, I headed every entry "J.A.W.'s Journal" followed by the date.1 For the first decade, I composed my entries...


--> This morning between midnight and 02:00 Eastern, I saw Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3. 1 The film weaves together storylines from the Spider-Man comic book and graphic novel sagas (both largely unfamiliar to me).2 One story arc in the Spider-Man...

Jean Baudrillard, 20 June 1929 — 6 March 2007

If being a nihilist, is carrying, to the unbearable limit of hegemonic systems, this radical trait of derision and of violence, this challenge that the system is summoned to answer through its own death, then I am a terrorist...

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