Prelim Watching a video debate about whether President Obama should shame unprincipled detractors by identifying them, I came across a video that asks “Is Lady Gaga Sexy Or Just Crazy?” The moment I saw this picture Lady GaGa in...
Image maps were interesting for about three and a half minutes in 1992. Then JavaScript came out and offered developers and users interactive feedback for linked images. Image maps and their associated <area> tags could not (and still do not)...
I recently gave a presentation on zombies to Professor Tom Scanlan's UC 190 course, which is designed to introduce 1st-year English majors to the research areas and creative projects of Ohio University English Faculty.1 A former student of mine who...
The motive force of vodou is asserted by Paul and Wesley's mother, Mrs. Rand (Edith Barrett), who confesses to asking a houngan to zombify Jessica as revenge for being unfaithful to her son. Though Dr. Maxwell (James Bell) dismisses Mrs....
This entry contains spoilers.One of the problems I'm addressing in Zombie Nation is the way in which North American racial history is cinematically encoded into George Romero's Living Dead Series. There is little dispute that classic zombie cinema (prior to...
Introduction: Zombie NationIn the last decade, zombies have taken a place of cultural prominence that in some ways is incongruous with their low culture origins. Among other things, this essay accounts for this increase in scholarly interest by examining the...
A video essay about the drug Burundanga reminds me of the (much more authoritative) work Wade Davis did regarding "Ethonobiology of the Haitian Zombie" (subtitle) in Passage of Darkness.1 Zombification in Haiti involves the use of a powerful neurotoxin that...
After images of fighters launching cruise missiles and ICBMs emerging from their silos, the onset of zombies is the Western world's prevailing vision of apocalypse....
My lawn needs mowing. I have this notion that after the next heavy rain, water will pool in the middle of my lawn and a family of beavers will make a dam in the middle. They will gather sticks from...
Jean Rollin. La Morte Vivante. (1982): 01:05:38 - 01:05:46 Clicking downloads a 1.8 MB file. Please be patient while the file loads Ctrl/Right-click here to Save File As … The above clip comes from a French film wherein the...
At the moment, I’m in the middle of proctoring the final examination for my afternoon American Literature survey (1918-present). Teaching a month into what is every other universities’ summer “breaks” (more accurately read “frenzied research period”) is one of the...
The problem with dying folks is they don’t die immediately. They retreat, diminish, deactivate, reanimate as living dead. Once entombed, they come back, lurching parodies of human self possession. They are not in control of themselves, their muscles and being...
This year October has a Friday the 13th. A six-foot one Dutch woman I once used to know told me that 13 is a lucky number in The Netherlands. Tall as she was, Zita loved wearing four-inch stock heels. I...
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