New York Times Columnist David Brooks Nails What’s Wrong With Slightly Misinterprets James Cameron’s Avatar ENTRYURL: viaName: Pam viaURL: TIME: 09:56:26 //--> Neytiri and Jake Sully (source) On Saturday night (9 January 2010), I posted and retracted a...
Yesterday Dave Checketts, the executive leader of a group bidding for the N.F.L. Rams, announced Rush Limbaugh would be dropped from the group. Writing for The New York Times, Judy Battista reports that once word leaked last week that...
The contestants, all medical professionals, are none too talented and, judging by their routine, racially oblivious. The audience cheers the jerking minstrels, clapping to the beat of a racial lampooning. At 1:49 Harry Connick Jr. looks dumbfounded, and at...
The New York Times reports that Henry Louis Gates Jr. was arrested for disorderly conduct outside his own home. Judging from the copy of the AP report, I’m guessing that the police responded to Gates’s indignation with calculated stupidity....
This morning I dreamt I was going to a workshop about the use of technology in academic research. I was with people who reminded me of my colleagues and coworkers in the Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia....
Bloggers hate when a blogger whose blog they have to look down their cultured noses to see gets a low six-figure book advance....
Some white people think colonizing mass culture as "what they like" is equivalent to reading a barometer of cultural hegemony. Congratulations.1Notes1 Remember to try this with a little deleted context. 2 ↩2 Or get really advenenturous with something new for...
Photo of Chris Yonker(Image source) On 7 September 2007, The Post, a student newspaper funded by Ohio University, published an editorial by Chris Yonker titled "Broad Stripes and Bright Stars" which features, among other things, a photograph of Yonker striking...
The motive force of vodou is asserted by Paul and Wesley's mother, Mrs. Rand (Edith Barrett), who confesses to asking a houngan to zombify Jessica as revenge for being unfaithful to her son. Though Dr. Maxwell (James Bell) dismisses Mrs....
This entry contains spoilers.One of the problems I'm addressing in Zombie Nation is the way in which North American racial history is cinematically encoded into George Romero's Living Dead Series. There is little dispute that classic zombie cinema (prior to...
Introduction: Zombie NationIn the last decade, zombies have taken a place of cultural prominence that in some ways is incongruous with their low culture origins. Among other things, this essay accounts for this increase in scholarly interest by examining the...
I missed my 7:50 am flight Thursday despite waking at 4:30 that morning. I thought of Miss Weber, my Jr. high school English teacher, who admonished me any time I was tardy by telling me, “If you you’re late for...
Analyzing Billy Idol’s “Cyberpunk” video, Thomas Foster notesAfter Idol’s character stands and begins to move, following [his] transformation [into a cyborg], the police open fire on him, apparently interpreting his merely standing in front of them in this newly embodied...
Before getting yesterday carried away by a gushy, embarrassing tide of love for my former and future loves, I started with the observation thatEarlier this week I made a push to begin (I always begin at the beginning) my first...
Overheard in a meeting somewhere:The department would save quite a bit of money if instead of making copies we all used Blackboard.Did he just say black boy? I dont know about the rest of you but I use my black...
Last night, George, Barrett (Barry) Watten, Carla Harryman, and I drove to Columbus to see Bryan Barbers Idlewild (2006). It may have been the first time I saw a movie about black people that was not about being black....
In the middle of posting this entry, I found out that one of the writers of Marvels 1991 Deathlok series, Dwayne McDuffie, was considering purchasing my dissertation. I dont even know what my royalty rate is. To be honest,...
The video above (21.2 MB and which you can watch by clicking on the picture above) was taken from Kojis Cafe and can be found on a web page that provides a tutorial on how to use Eye Talk ....
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