Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I love you....
I'm surprised the last main entry before this one is a note about Steve Jobs’ death. Weird. Much time has passed since and I am finally beginning to feel I understand some of the contours of this new life...
My coffee supply was running low this morning, so I pulled on some jeans and pod-personed the two blocks uphill to my local grocery of predatory prices, Cala Foods»A 50-count bottle of Advil is priced at nearly $9.«. I’d...
This is how I’d like to remember us....
Houston and Johnnie. ca. 1971, Los Angeles, CA. Mom bobsied us. I’m four and he’s two. I believe the necklace I’m wearing is a material artifact presented to our famliy by the US government. Houston and Johnnie. June 1977,...
This image makes me think of how we’re split in so many different directions, if only through technology we could do everything at once, in slices of time each smaller than the other, the abundant side of Zeno’s paradox...
I feel like a musky with all the fight gone out of him.»Jackson, Gordon. “Billy’s Girl.” Robert Shapard Ed. Sudden Fiction: American Short-Short Stories. 1st ed. Salt Lake City: G.M. Smith, 1986: 180.« Last night I told one of...
In July 2009, I notified my chair that I would not be returning to my job as a professor of literature. My departure was abrupt and left the department in the lurch. For that I am sorry. I am...
Trudy’s Sweets & Treats in Ferndale, CA (source) The linked SFGate article notes that no injuries were reported, but 18,000 customers were without electricity as darkness fell. It calls to my mind the 12:29 PM 17 August 1991 Honeydew...
This time of year is always a mixed bag for me. I grew up in a largely Korean household which practiced no distinct holiday traditions. Christmas gift-giving was limited mainly to adults giving gifts to the children. The season...
Prelim Watching a video debate about whether President Obama should shame unprincipled detractors by identifying them, I came across a video that asks “Is Lady Gaga Sexy Or Just Crazy?” The moment I saw this picture Lady GaGa in...
I haven’t felt this way in maybe ten years, this panicked need to just get the fuck out. But I felt it about Facebook. I’m an introvert, and I think the barrier to communicating person-to-person(s) should be fairly high,...
This Is It: Portrait of the Artist as an Entertainer ENTRYURL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1477715/ viaName: viaURL: TIME: 09:02:42 //--> I was not expecting to write this post. Last night Pam, my mother, and I went to see This Is It at the...
In an Age Before Web-Based Student Information Services In 1998, a faculty at the University of Virginia English Department ran into a problem many academics will recognize. A former student of his had asked him for a recommendation. The...
Codex Books, Audiobooks, and Assistive Devices: A Tale of Near Misses The last book I checked out of Alden Library while still a faculty at Ohio University was Clay Shirky’s 2008 Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing without...
Before returning to California after a 17-year adventure in the world of higher education (one that may not quite be done done), I restructured the way I was developing material for this blog. That restructuring was born of a...
On Friday, 10 July, Pam and I were in Manhattan, KS, which with bathroom breaks and fuelings is about ninety minutes outside Topeka. Two largish little league baseball teams were also staying where we were lodging, and the breakfast...
This morning I dreamt I was going to a workshop about the use of technology in academic research. I was with people who reminded me of my colleagues and coworkers in the Electronic Text Center at the University of Virginia....
Swing Votes....
This morning, I finished reading "Those Who Write, Teach” by David Gessner, an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, who discusses the effect of academic teaching (Creative Writing) on writers. In addition to being an excellent read,...
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