Before returning to California after a 17-year adventure in the world of higher education (one that may not quite be done done), I restructured the way I was developing material for this blog. That restructuring was born of a...
Those of you who know me in real life probably aren’t surprised by my blogging hiatus. Those of you who know probaby aren’t either. I suppose I’m the only one who’s surprised. In the last year (has it been that...
This morning, I finished reading "Those Who Write, Teach” by David Gessner, an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, who discusses the effect of academic teaching (Creative Writing) on writers. In addition to being an excellent read,...
Preliminary: I have almost zero understanding of current scientific models of human cognition.Tasks which require extended periods of attention have become increasingly difficult for me in the last ten years. I don't think the causes of my difficulties, however, are...
One of the windows that Tinderbox gives me to my current project....
My lawn needs mowing. I have this notion that after the next heavy rain, water will pool in the middle of my lawn and a family of beavers will make a dam in the middle. They will gather sticks from...
In the Fall of this year (I think), twenty-five years will have passed since I began keeping a journal. In Jr. High, I headed every entry "J.A.W.'s Journal" followed by the date.1 For the first decade, I composed my entries...
One path seems very familiar, an extension of emotional states familiar as breathing. There, desire is ever only idealized, enervated by the luxury of never having to become. This path leads to radical discontinuity, to existential fracture. Disruption and unpredictability...
I thought about the convention I’d recently discovered: TK. I’ve used different means of noting in my unfinished manuscripts places that needed information I did not have readily available or which required a passage I was not prepared to write....
In the middle of posting this entry, I found out that one of the writers of Marvels 1991 Deathlok series, Dwayne McDuffie, was considering purchasing my dissertation. I dont even know what my royalty rate is. To be honest,...
I should call the police because I think someone has stolen my day. I did not misplace it nor did I leave it unlocked. At about a quarter to one when I went to sleep this morning, I had...
I went to bed shortly after the previous post, looking forward to waking up in the morning. I sometimes envision sleep as a one-way tunnel that requires unconsciousness to enter. Waking puts one on sleep's other side, rejuvenated and altered....
Maybe two years ago I had a section on mistersquid that was a blog. I labeled it “transient,” and never knew how much traffic it received. I didn't allow robots to index it. Placing that blog in a subdirectory...
Im in the process of revising the second chapter of Recombinant Media: the Mutation of Subjectivity in a Post-Print Culture. While I do intend to produce an artifact which my tenure committee will recognize as one that meets the...
Im supposed to be working double time on my Black Cyborg chapter. Its slow going, mainly becuase I keep finding ways to not think about the agony of writing by means of the Internet. Heres my newest thing: a...
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