Entries from mistersquid: a digital fiction tagged with 'metablog'

Multiblog Bug Fix Redux

In my haste, I failed to see the error in my logic. I also was led astray by poor white space formatting. Basically, I turned this into this when what I wanted was this (</mt:Else>s omitted) Here’s everything together....

Multiblog Bug Fix

What follows is incorrect and remains for archival reasons only. There is a corrected version. A few days or weeks or hours after restructuring the main page for this blog, I noticed that the layout for blog entries that...

Philosophy of Signage Followed By a Short Blogger’s Vacation

I will be starting a new job on Wednesday, 27 January and have decided to take a much-needed break starting today. This means no posts until Wednesday, 27 January at the earliest and Saturday, 30 January at the latest....


I've decided to index, as much as I can, comments I make as mistersquid on the Internet. I will eventually add a subdomain that keeps track of such items, sort of like "'type = "Internet postings"' AND 'author = "mistersquid"'...

Name Goes Here

November, last month, is the month where I write the least. Nothing intentional. It's just that my brooding character lends itself to contemplation in my month of nativity. All the big questions: who am I? Why are we here? Where...

This Tag Cloud Goes to 11

In my previous post regarding tag clouds in MovableType, I note that Kohler’s method requires vigilance and frequent customization, both of which diminish the joy that comes with automation. However, the solution I provide improves on Kohler’s method only by...

Scripting Tag Clouds in MovableType

At the moment, I’m in the middle of proctoring the final examination for my afternoon American Literature survey (1918-present). Teaching a month into what is every other universities’ summer “breaks” (more accurately read “frenzied research period”) is one of the...

Not No Renaissance Scholar

I’m overdue for a post, especially considering that two posts ago I made the silly error of taking “wherefore art” to mean “where are” as opposed to “why are.” The question Juliet asksO Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? (2.2.33)is,...

Copycat, a Reprieve

“I haven't been up to anything today. I can't be bothered with anything recently. Nothing seems worth thinking about. I haven't gotten anything done recently, but oh well. Not much noteworthy going on worth mentioning.”1 Notes1 My gratitude [goes] to...

How I Learned to Give Up and Start Worrying About My Flow

Consider an autopoietic system whose self-regulation is both the means of its functioning as well as its rhythmic breakdown. Malfunction as renewal.I ad(a|o)pted a new flow so joyful that alternates promise bother at best and agony as norm.As in all...


Faithful readers: I am going on a little blogging vacation, until at least 1 September. Enjoy the rest of your summers. Shout out if you're inclined. Big tentacly hug,...

Email Blackout: The Supermoves of a Stupendous Bozo

To anyone who may have tried to contact me by email on Sunday, 21 May between 1:00 pm and 9:30 pm EST: your email may have been irretrievably lost. I made changes to the postfix servers on my two...

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