Some white people think colonizing mass culture as "what they like" is equivalent to reading a barometer of cultural hegemony. Congratulations.1Notes1 Remember to try this with a little deleted context. 2 ↩2 Or get really advenenturous with something new for...
Amuhrikka! Clicking downloads a 1.2 MB file. Please be patient while the file loads Ctrl/Right-click here to Save File As . . ....
How can my fellow citizens be so unrelentingly stupid? (via)Update: Over the course of the day, I’ve started formulating a much larger and more thoughtful post regarding the subject of religion than I’m prepared, at the moment, to write here....
QT_WriteOBJECT_XHTML('', '1', '1', '', 'autoplay', 'true', 'controller', 'false', 'target', 'myself', 'href', '#', 'align', 'middle'); -->Alec Baldwin is the latest “victim” of self-inflicted speech act trauma. Unlike other white male celebrities such as Mel Gibson, Don Imus, and Michael Richards...
Sometimes life serves you a slice of shit pie and you can’t leave the table till it’s gone.1 Notes1 For Sarah, with love. ↩...
Recent evidence of convergent evolution in humans1 in the form of a gene which enables adult humans to digest lactose shows that the mutations conferred an enormous selective advantage on their owners, enabling them to leave almost 10 times as...
I am amazed and pleased Google knows exactly what’s on my mind when I’m cleaning out my SPAM....
On 10 April of this year in “Cure application crashes,” the first installment of a series titled “OS X First Aid,” Landau suggests that badly behaved applications can sometimes be rehabilitated if you 3. Restart Your Mac Select the...
Last Action!...
Does the icon for Apple’s Preview application give you the willies like it does me? Even at the icon’s largest, the kid looks like he’s done that trick where his eyelids are folded up on themselves and now he’s wandering...
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