Early in his analysis of The Decline of the English Department, William Chace asserts that what is at the root of the decline is the failure of departments of English across the country to champion, with passion, the books...
In the last month, there’s been a lot of mainstream media attention on the borderlands between paper print and digital print, between text and etext. Google seems to be the focus of much of this interest, and my guess...
Codex Books, Audiobooks, and Assistive Devices: A Tale of Near Misses The last book I checked out of Alden Library while still a faculty at Ohio University was Clay Shirky’s 2008 Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing without...
Those of you who know me in real life probably aren’t surprised by my blogging hiatus. Those of you who know probaby aren’t either. I suppose I’m the only one who’s surprised. In the last year (has it been that...
After finishing the major work for a new web page, I discovered the page wasn’t properly rendering on Internet Explorer. I expected some discrepancies because the page layout used some moderately advanced CSS. What I didn’t expect was that the...
This entry is a very brief introdcution to one of the ways in which I use Tinderbox to enhance my teaching. Tinderbox is an unusual program in that it provides so a high degree of flexibility that at first...
Preliminary: I have almost zero understanding of current scientific models of human cognition.Tasks which require extended periods of attention have become increasingly difficult for me in the last ten years. I don't think the causes of my difficulties, however, are...
The users who have been complaining about iMovie '08 and the pundits who have nothing more to say except "It should have been called something else" have failed to see that the skim feature present in iMovie '08 (and in...
This is huge. Huger than huge. This augurs the possibility that license holders may once again implicitly (and by default) allow fair use of copyrighted material.Congress, are you listening?...
Before getting yesterday carried away by a gushy, embarrassing tide of love for my former and future loves, I started with the observation thatEarlier this week I made a push to begin (I always begin at the beginning) my first...
There are few things worth breaking writing silence for, and this is one of them: If thats Gir in the video, hes a young guy with impeccable taste and smart moves. Using an eggbeaters whine as percussion is only...
Internet service providers (ISPs) such as AT&T, Comcast, Time-Warner, and Verizon have been conducting an intense lobbying effort to end Internet neutrality. Without outlining the history of these industry incumbents and their relationships to the Internet as providers, I...
I went to bed shortly after the previous post, looking forward to waking up in the morning. I sometimes envision sleep as a one-way tunnel that requires unconsciousness to enter. Waking puts one on sleep's other side, rejuvenated and altered....
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