Entries from mistersquid: a digital fiction tagged with 'blackface'

Harry Connick Jr. Hates Blackface

The contestants, all medical professionals, are none too talented and, judging by their routine, racially oblivious. The audience cheers the jerking minstrels, clapping to the beat of a racial lampooning. At 1:49 Harry Connick Jr. looks dumbfounded, and at...


--> This morning between midnight and 02:00 Eastern, I saw Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 3. 1 The film weaves together storylines from the Spider-Man comic book and graphic novel sagas (both largely unfamiliar to me).2 One story arc in the Spider-Man...

What's that buzzing noise?

Overheard in a meeting somewhere:“The department would save quite a bit of money if instead of making copies we all used Blackboard.”“Did he just say ‘black boy’? ”“I don’t know about the rest of you but I use my black...

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