This comic by Gabby Schulz forecasts a recent dustup over a presentation by Rebecca Watson at the 2011 World Atheist Convention in Dublin. Basically, Watson explains she doesn’t like it when anonymous men hit her up for sex at...
I really want this thing to work out with President Obama. He’s smart. He’s a constitutaional scholar. His adminstration has taken steps to advance the welfare of US citizens and the welfare of people worldwide. So I don’t get...
After finishing the major work for a new web page, I discovered the page wasn’t properly rendering on Internet Explorer. I expected some discrepancies because the page layout used some moderately advanced CSS. What I didn’t expect was that the...
I am praying some of the information in a New York Times article regarding pacemakers (implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, or ICDs) is in error, is fabricated, is untrue, is a lie or a dream. How can it be thatdevice makers have begun...
Microfilm was a terrible technology from the word “go.” Today, it's become just a little bit worse....
The Internet abhors censorship....
No time at all, but I came across the video below1 through the blog of oneautumnleaf, who replied to a comment I left on Sarah O.’s blog. It articulates how the battle for Net Neutrality in the United States is...
Great boobies, honey bun! My lower intestine is full of spam eggs spam bacon spam . . . spam spam spam . . . —”Spam” Monty Python The Brothers McLeod Spamland #1iPod-compatibleCtrl/Right-click on the link above to “Save File...
Theres a lot of activity regarding Net Neutrality just about now. Today, I received the following email from eBay CEO, Meg Whitman (or at least her automated counterpart): Dear mistersquid, As you know, I almost never reach out to...
Some might say I'm slacking by posting only the following video from YouTube. The gory truth is that my Internets is clogged. Bonus MP3*: Its a Series of Tubes!CTRL-click to Save File As . . . Notes *The file...
Internet service providers (ISPs) such as AT&T, Comcast, Time-Warner, and Verizon have been conducting an intense lobbying effort to end Internet neutrality. Without outlining the history of these industry incumbents and their relationships to the Internet as providers, I...
To anyone who may have tried to contact me by email on Sunday, 21 May between 1:00 pm and 9:30 pm EST: your email may have been irretrievably lost. I made changes to the postfix servers on my two...
Sometimes, someone realizes my initials spell a word and tell me that's neat. I might nod or smile, even though I am very not stoked that my initials form an acronym. I mean, JAW, how clumsy is that? If my initials spelled something cool like, I don't know, SEX, YES, or NASCAR, I'd thank my parents for their hipster sensibilities. But even neglecting the nifty, there's a pragmatic reason my initials don't thrill me, and that reason has to do with the idea that more is less.
I can't believe it took thirteen years for me to finish. If you don't mind skipping, you can jump to the end. ...
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