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Matching entries from mistersquid: a digital fiction

Arab Spring Arrives Late in Israel

Source: Israelis march for lower living costsSource: 250,000 Protest Cost of Living in Israel “We know that we cannot achieve everything,” Itzik Shmuly, the chairman of the National Union of Students, acknowledged from the podium in Tel Aviv. “But...

Alien Dreams

Photo by Andrew Jeffrey Wright.»via« (show embarrassed rationale) It wasn’t supposed to be this way. I’ve been following several Tumblogs for the past couple of months or so. Some of these Tumblogs are curated by teenagers, so they tend to...

Lunchtime Shell Game on 38 Geary

On Thursday, 13 May, a few of the tech team»and HR« at my work took cabs to Dong Baek, located in the Tenderloin’s northeastern section.1 John Jonathon Leslie Jeffrey Sung Jack Lunch was great, better than I expected.2 I...

Saving Web Documents Everywhere Using Yojimbo, AppleScript, and MobileMe

As a former academic and currently unaffiliated researcher, I feel fairly compelled to meticulously and comprehensively document my reading, including my online web reading. Years ago, I made the shift to RSS and began using client-side bookmarking software and...

This Is It: Portrait of the Artist as an Entertainer

This Is It: Portrait of the Artist as an Entertainer ENTRYURL: viaName: viaURL: TIME: 09:02:42 //--> I was not expecting to write this post. Last night Pam, my mother, and I went to see This Is It at the...

The Decline of the English Department

Early in his analysis of The Decline of the English Department, William Chace asserts that what is at the root of the decline is the failure of departments of English across the country to champion, with passion, the books...

Full Speed Reverse

In the last month, there’s been a lot of mainstream media attention on the borderlands between paper print and digital print, between text and etext. Google seems to be the focus of much of this interest, and my guess...

Taking It Lying Down: A Short Addendum to The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception written for the Age of Ubiquitous Television

On Friday, 10 July, Pam and I were in Manhattan, KS, which with bathroom breaks and fuelings is about ninety minutes outside Topeka. Two largish little league baseball teams were also staying where we were lodging, and the breakfast...

Damned spot

Three graduate students in philosophy have begun an anonymous blog where they have found the courage to decry the heartache that is their job market. There are a thousand things I'd like to cover regarding the protocol of the philosophy...

Editorial Board of Ohio University's The Post Thinks Racism Is Funny

Photo of Chris Yonker(Image source) On 7 September 2007, The Post, a student newspaper funded by Ohio University, published an editorial by Chris Yonker titled "Broad Stripes and Bright Stars" which features, among other things, a photograph of Yonker striking...

Bottoms Up

Recent evidence of convergent evolution in humans1 in the form of a gene which enables adult humans to digest lactose shows that the mutations conferred an enormous selective advantage on their owners, enabling them to leave almost 10 times as...

Symbolic Links in the GUI via AppleScript, PLUS

Members of the MacOSXHints community have commented and provided some improvements to my original code and the editor of, Rob Griffiths, has posted a brief webography of related scripts and utilities in the editor’s comments of my hint submission.First,...

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