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Matching entries from mistersquid: a digital fiction

Hello, Father. Goodbye.

Houston and Johnnie. ca. 1971, Los Angeles, CA. Mom bobsied us. I’m four and he’s two. I believe the necklace I’m wearing is a material artifact presented to our famliy by the US government. Houston and Johnnie. June 1977,...

Obama Administration Considers Depriving American Citizens of Their Constitutional Rights

It is time to start shouting. Representatives and appointees of the Obama administration—particularly David Axelrod and Attorney General Erich H. Holder—are considering abridging one of the most important Supreme Court interpretations of the Fifth Amendment, the right against self-incrimination,...

The Demise of Naiveté

This time of year is always a mixed bag for me. I grew up in a largely Korean household which practiced no distinct holiday traditions. Christmas gift-giving was limited mainly to adults giving gifts to the children. The season...

Swine Flu Vaccine Shortfall, or Why US Health Care Needs Greater Governmental Oversight

Barbara Ehrenreich explains that the shorfall of H1N1 vaccine in the United States is due to the failure of US pharmaceutical companies to meet their self-imposed production targets. This failure is the direct result of pharmaceuticals choosing to pursue...

Taking It Lying Down: A Short Addendum to The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception written for the Age of Ubiquitous Television

On Friday, 10 July, Pam and I were in Manhattan, KS, which with bathroom breaks and fuelings is about ninety minutes outside Topeka. Two largish little league baseball teams were also staying where we were lodging, and the breakfast...


The two areas which have absorbed my attentions for the last two months (outside the shambles that passes for my personal life) has been my teaching and my writing. This entry is about the writing part of my life, research...

Please tell me this isn't true

I am praying some of the information in a New York Times article regarding pacemakers (implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, or ICDs) is in error, is fabricated, is untrue, is a lie or a dream. How can it be thatdevice makers have begun...

Microsoft Word 2008 Inappropriate for Education

I received my first batch of student papers this calendar year, which means I am encountering the Microsoft .docx format for the first time. The Microsoft Word 2008 .docx forrmat is incompatible with earlier versions of Word which shouldn't really...

Editorial Board of Ohio University's The Post Thinks Racism Is Funny

Photo of Chris Yonker(Image source) On 7 September 2007, The Post, a student newspaper funded by Ohio University, published an editorial by Chris Yonker titled "Broad Stripes and Bright Stars" which features, among other things, a photograph of Yonker striking...

The Twilight of Capitalism

Introduction: Zombie NationIn the last decade, zombies have taken a place of cultural prominence that in some ways is incongruous with their low culture origins. Among other things, this essay accounts for this increase in scholarly interest by examining the...

Tommy Sweatshop

At my undergraduate alma mater, USC, the Student Coalition Against Labor Exploitation (SCALE) staged a knit-in on the steps of the Pertusati University Bookstore. Lori White, associate vice president for Student Affairs, asked the students to relocate to Hahn plaza...

Cyberspatial incohesion

In Mark Neale’s 2000 documentary No Maps For These Territories—a desynched moving epitaph and paean to the moment that both passes and arrives—William Gibson recalls the disruptive 1960s and his draft dodge which brings him to Vancouver. Gibson admits his...

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