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Matching entries from mistersquid: a digital fiction

Notes About Networks

This is one of 50 posts about cyborgs, a project to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the coining of the term. Where Do Cyborgs Come From? The term cyborg is as evocative and cuts as elusive a figure now...

In the Future Everyone Will Have Their 12 Seconds of Fame

Prelim Watching a video debate about whether President Obama should shame unprincipled detractors by identifying them, I came across a video that asks “Is Lady Gaga Sexy Or Just Crazy?” The moment I saw this picture Lady GaGa in...

I’ve Deactivated My Facebook Account

I haven’t felt this way in maybe ten years, this panicked need to just get the fuck out. But I felt it about Facebook. I’m an introvert, and I think the barrier to communicating person-to-person(s) should be fairly high,...


The two areas which have absorbed my attentions for the last two months (outside the shambles that passes for my personal life) has been my teaching and my writing. This entry is about the writing part of my life, research...


Ohio is the jam car of progressive American politics, and I wish it would just get out of the way....

The only one I know

Do you worry too much people have only instrumental use for you? Life is only that way if you only have instrumental uses for people, which I know is not true about you. Focus on your emotional connection to each...


Tomorrow will mark the passing of the 2006 autumnal equinox and my own passage from social disconnection to emotional desolation, to a place of strength and longing. Upon learning that the astrological sign which claims me is Scorpio, a beautiful...


I thought about the convention I’d recently discovered: TK. I’ve used different means of noting in my unfinished manuscripts places that needed information I did not have readily available or which required a passage I was not prepared to write....

Instant Karma!

On 10 April of this year in “Cure application crashes,” the first installment of a series titled “OS X First Aid,” Landau suggests that badly behaved applications can sometimes be rehabilitated if you 3. Restart Your Mac Select the...

Now it Can Be Told

WARNING: FILM SPOILERS Tonight I finished Chan-wook Park's 2003 Oldboy, which I characterize as a Hankook traginoir with elements of surrealism (attributable to noir) and fantasy. The comments at alternate between excoriating Park and the film's writers for...

de-woot, Redone

I went to bed shortly after the previous post, looking forward to waking up in the morning. I sometimes envision sleep as a one-way tunnel that requires unconsciousness to enter. Waking puts one on sleep's other side, rejuvenated and altered....

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